Custer Public Power District, headquartered in Broken Bow, Nebraska, is geographically the largest rural public power district in Nebraska serving over 8000 square miles of territory.
Our mission is to safely deliver electricity to our customers/owners, keep the District in a sound financial position, and exceed expectations in service and reliability.
Custer PPD supplies electric power over 4600 miles of distribution lines to Custer, Thomas, Blaine, Logan, McPherson, Loup, and Hooker counties plus portions of Sherman, Dawson, Cherry, Lincoln, Brown, and Garfield counties. Custer is divided into six service areas, two areas are served out of the main headquarters in Broken Bow. The other four areas have their own service centers strategically located within their service area. This concept places our service personnel closer to the customer. We maintain Area Service Centers in Sargent, Callaway, Stapleton, and Thedford, Nebraska, providing top-notch service to our customers/owners.
Area 1 & 2
Central, Northwest, and Southeast Custer County |
Report Outages:
Anselmo, Merna, Berwyn, Mason City |
Western Sherman County |
Jamie Wells
Litchfield, Hazard |
Dave Ruether
Area 3
Northeast Custer County |
Report Outages:
Loup County and eastern |
Blaine County |
Dan Mankle
Gates, Taylor, Brewster (east) |
Brady Hendricks
Area 4
Southwestern Custer County |
Report Outages:
Oconto, Callaway |
Chancy Boeser
Tanner Linn
Area 5
Logan, McPherson, and |
Report Outages:
Northern Lincoln County |
Stapleton, Tryon |
Mike Needs
John Croghan
Cody Sierks
Area 6
Thomas, Hooker, Southern Cherry, |
Report Outages:
and western Blaine County |
Thedford, Seneca, Mullen, |
Spencer Burk
Dunning, Halsey |
Gordon Needs
Connor Floyd